Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit


Prayer life



"Pray always to God with a pure heart" (Rule X)
The primacy of contemplation must be fully evident in our lives.
Values and virtues such as silence, recollection, solitude, the numerous hours of community or personal prayer, must occupy the key times of the day and make our house an authentic 'domus orationis'.
The community will above all be a contemplative community, with a residence, if possible, isolated from the built-up area, vivified by silence in every environment.

Therefore, everything that introduces noise and distraction, dissipation and the spirit of the world into the fraternity (radio, television, profane press, worldly books, etc.) must be excluded, and in times or places of more intense activity, the commitment to preserve the primacy of contemplation through intimate recollection and continuous silence will increase: "Let them work faithfully and devotedly - says the Rule (chap. V) - so that [...] they do not extinguish the spirit of prayer and devotion, to which all other temporal things must serve".

Night prayer, long before dawn, will express our resolution to praise the Lord even at night and to begin each day in a personal encounter with him.
The conventual Holy Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours, meditation and Eucharistic Adoration, spiritual reading and the Holy Rosary will be faithfully practiced every day, according to the ways and times established in common.

Prayer is the primary and indispensable nourishment of the community of sisters. Especially common prayer. In each of our homes, community prayer must be solid and well cared for. Five hours a day of community prayer: that is the norm. It starts, every day, from the early hours of the morning (between four and five). Silence and recollection, then, are safeguarded by the cloister and exclusion of all that can introduce the noise and dissipation of the world (especially radio and television).

What is it about?
