Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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Aspirandate is the name of the first stage of religious life. The candidate's request was accepted by her superiors, and she "aspires" to become a religious, a bride of Jesus Christ. This period can be spent both inside the convent and outside. When spent within the community, the girl follows a schedule that is different from that of the nuns and postulants and which helps her make a gradual transition from secular to religious life. The aspirant is given the opportunity to know or deepen, through specific readings, the Catholic faith: catechism, lives of the saints, devotional books on the Madonna and the Eucharist... The aspirant also participates in community life, albeit in a limited way: he takes part in some moments of prayer with the community, helps the sisters with the essential household chores, can also carry out some apostolic tasks, eats meals with the nuns and participates with them at moments of recreation. The community, in this period, undertakes to help the aspirant with prayer, with good words and holy conversations, with charity and good examples, knowing that this first stage is often difficult for the girl who must gradually detach herself from All. There are cases in which it is necessary or advisable to do the aspirant outside the convent. Such cases are for example: the need to finish school, to reach the end of the employment contract, particular situations of need in the family or the need to complete a prolonged medical treatment. For a young woman who has discovered her vocation and wishes to respond, it is very important to start the journey as soon as possible. How could one put something before the will of God, over a special predilection of the Lord? Is there anything more important than one's eternal happiness? However, considering some concrete situations in her life, he allows himself to spend this period even outside the convent. The girl, while staying at home, keeps in close contact with the nuns, especially with the teacher of the aspirants, she observes a timetable, wears modest and sober clothes. She delves into aspects of Christian life with readings on the Madonna, on the saints, on the Sacraments. In his free time the aspirant meets the nuns by visiting the convent. After completing the necessary duties that tied her to the outside world, the aspirant enters the religious house where she spends the rest of her aspirancy. The period of aspirancy usually lasts one year but can be extended or shortened depending on the girl's maturity. The next step is postulancy.

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