Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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Law 248/00 and modification of law 633/41.

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Via dell'Immacolata, 6

83040 Frigento (AV)

Phone: +39 0825 444 015

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.

What is it about?

Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.


Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.