Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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Via dell'Immacolata, 6

83040 Frigento (AV)

Phone: +39 0825 444 015

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit


We want to bring the whole world to the Immaculate


Apostolate and work must engage our energies unreservedly, to cooperate with the zeal of the Seraphic Father in "building up the body of Christ which is the Church" (Eph 4:12). In the school of St. Maximilian, who wanted to make use of every means, large or small, for the apostolate (press, radio, television, miraculous medals, leaflets, art, culture...), each sister is committed to give herself to the active apostolate in every field of apostolic work and without exclusion of means, favouring, if possible, the mass media, to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of Christ in the world "through the Immaculate Mediatrix".

What is it about?

Il Settimanale 

di Padre Pio

Casa Mariana Editrice


"Casa Mariana Editrice" began its life in Frigento (AV) on 8 December 1970, directed by two Franciscan friars, Father Stefano Maria Manelli and Father Gabriele Maria Pellettieri. The headquarters of the foundation is the Marian House "Maria SS. del Buon Consiglio", located in Frigento (AV), Irpinia.
The aim of this Marian Publishing House is purely apostolic-cultural, to develop and increase more and more the evangelisation of the People of God "through the Immaculate", according to the ideal of the great apostle and martyr of the Immaculate, the Franciscan St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe.
Casa Mariana Editrice publishes books, booklets, periodicals, and pamphlets, and is distributing them in the five continents, as material for the apostolate and religious formation for all, taking into account the different levels of culture and formation, according to each location.
The publications have a predominantly Marian character, because the Immaculate is the Dawn that brings the Sun of life, that is Jesus Christ. In fact, where the Immaculate enters, she who brings Jesus, the Saviour, the Incarnate Word who is the living Word of God for eternity, enters.

In order to foster Christian formation as much as possible, given the miserable decadence of morals and social life, we seek to offer our publications "not for sale" in order to donate them to those who, not having the possibility of purchasing them, receive them to properly nourish their Christian formation.
Franciscan poverty and maternal divine Providence are our allies in sustaining a work so precious for the spiritual formation of every Christian and for the eternal salvation of souls in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Launched in 2002, on the occasion of the canonisation of the Saint of Pietrelcina, "Il Settimanale di Padre Pio" is a periodical with a formative-educational slant, with a good cultural basis but also simple and family-friendly.

Its style is intended to be that of a catechesis that teaches and explains the most genuine Christian life according to the programmatic motto of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina: "Be good Christians!".

The magazine aims to gather the immense spiritual legacy of the Saint most loved by Italians to bring it into their homes on a weekly basis, through the "viva voce" of his writings, sayings, anecdotes of his life and precious testimonies of those who knew him first hand.

Through the articles in the various sections, it illustrates the many topics of Christian and Marian doctrine and catechesis, spirituality, hagiography, culture and current affairs in the light of his teachings.

"My Mass" is the quarterly pocket-sized missalette, published annually in 4 volumes for the months: January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December.

- The Word of God from the daily Holy Mass
- commentary on the Readings and the Gospel
- instructive episodes from the lives of the saints
- a spiritual resolution for the day
- prayers and devotions relevant to the liturgical season

Distribution of Miraculous Medals

Making of Rosaries

Radio Buon Consiglio

Radio Buon Consiglio is a religious broadcaster whose aim is to bring the proclamation of the Gospel and love for the Immaculate to every heart that beats on earth. It aims to educate and form Christian consciences, making them rediscover the value of prayer and the role of Mary Most Holy in the journey of sanctification.

Our mission is to lead all souls to Jesus, through the Immaculate. Radio Buon Consiglio wants to be a Catholic and Marian voice within everyone's reach. This is why we offer catechesis, programs of sound doctrine and solid spirituality suitable for all kinds of people (adults, teenagers, children...), without excluding general knowledge sections created by specialists, interviews, debates and much more...

The prayer of the Holy Rosary is the most pleasing to Our Lady, the simplest and the most widespread.


The young and the old, the learned and the simple can pray it.


Aware of this truth, we also undertake the task of making rosaries and spreading them among the people we meet or who ask us for them.


We do this in the free moments of our day, praying our Rosary during this work to impart graces to those who will then pray on the rosaries we donate.

Following the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, we believe in the efficacy of the miraculous medal given to us directly by Our Lady during the apparitions at Rue de Bac. We know that Our Lady uses this means to convert and draw souls to herself, as witnessed by thousands of cases of people who have obtained graces from the heavenly Mediatrix precisely through this small medal. It is enough to recall here the famous cases of Alphonse Ratisbone or the venerable Father Marcello Marton.


That is why we endeavour to make and spread the miraculous medal, this powerful weapon, as St Maximilian called it, as widely as possible.
