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How to become  

the sister


Lorem ipsum dolor sit


How does one become a nun?

What are the stages of religious life?

Becoming a nun is a process that takes several years. There are various steps that need to be taken to transition from the world to the convent. The duration of this time depends on the maturity of the candidate and her actual desire to soon become a bride of Jesus.

The mandatory steps for all candidates are as follows:

What is it about?







During the period of life when one is seeking their vocation, it is necessary to pray a lot, be vigilant, and invoke the help of the Virgin Mary often. After recognizing one's vocation to the religious state, it is necessary to respond with courage.

After courageously responding to the call of Jesus, the aspirant period begins. It is still a time of discernment carried out within the convent, where the young woman can learn more about the life of the nuns and their charisma.

The next step is the postulancy. The candidate receives the dress of the postulants, but she is not yet a consecrated nun. However, she lives in the convent with the sisters and is introduced to the practices of religious life.







Here begins the true religious life. With the ritual of vestition, the candidate receives the sacred religious habit with the white veil. The new name marks the beginning of a new life entirely dedicated to the love of Jesus and souls.

After a year of the "trial," as St. Francis calls it, the novice admits the first vows for a year, which mark her espousal to Christ. Now she is truly a nun. The external change of the color of the veil and the knots added to the belt are meant to externally signify this intimate reality.

The day of the mystical wedding with Christ is the most important in the life of a nun who becomes the eternal bride. The ritual is carried out with the utmost solemnity and beauty that must emphasize the very high value of this special day for the nun and for the entire community.