Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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Life of Penance

"The Lord allowed me, brother Francis, to begin to do penance".
Even to us, his daughters, who constitute the "Order of the Brothers of Penance", St. Francis died recommending to "do penance with the blessing of God". He is our model, and we must strive to copy him, as the first friars did with great fervour.
St. Maximilian said: "Penance, penance, penance, the Immaculate repeated to Bernadette; and is this not the end of our Order? of the Order of Penitents? Is it not above all for us to accept this invitation of the Immaculate and bring it to the whole earth, and this for all times?...".
Conformity to Jesus Crucified, the completion in one's flesh of what is lacking in the Passion of Jesus, the supernatural fruitfulness of suffering for the salvation of souls, the expiation of one's own sins and those of others, must be the motive and purpose of our daily penance.

Penance must be both internal and external, true and strong, like that of the Seraphic Father St. Francis and his best sons. Franciscan life cannot be such if it is not modeled on the Seraphic Father, "the most perfect image of Jesus Crucified", as the Church calls him in the Liturgy.

The penance of pure fidelity to community life, the penance of duty fulfilled with every perfection, penance in the most characteristic and concrete Franciscan forms: fasting, discipline, bare feet, always wearing the habit, short hair, no holidays or other comforts: this must be the penance lived in our communities.

What is it about?